Sharing is caring…

26. November 2018

At Conscensia, we believe in sharing our knowledge about software development, sourcing and cooperation across borders to the IT industry.

In Ukraine, we write articles for the tech media and invite people for seminars, using both our talented IT-specialists as speakers, or inviting guest speakers who are experts on certain interesting topics. During the last 6 months, we have given presentations about Progressive Web Applications, Chatbots UX, Scrum Basics and other JavaScript meetups. One of our developers also acts as a mentor for school children, where he visits schools and show 7th – 8th graders how computer science can be fun and interesting.

In Denmark, we share our knowledge by given presentations about sourcing and cultural intelligence to e.g. the Danish ICT Industry Association, Odense Robotics and at “the Future’s IT Ressources” conference.

Feel free to contact us, if you would like us to come and teach your company or organization about how to source software development successfully.