Startup of team and onboarding

We facilitate the integration of the new team into your organization

We proactively drive the start up of the team. It is important that the start-up of a new team is based on trust, knowledge sharing and a common goal for the project.

When you start up with us, we always look at where your company is, what processes you have and what methods you use. Next, we look at how current processes and methods can best be reconciled with a future sourcing setup.

We work according to agile development methods – scrum.


Ikon for ansvarlig sourcing og konsulentintegration

We have a proven onboarding process where the consultant is introduced to the company, culture, policies and processes. Language courses and courses in GDPR rules and IP rights are also mandatory. The onboarding course also includes team building and social activities.

Ikon for kulturel intelligens workshop hos Conscensia

Cultural intelligence is an important foundation for successful communication and collaboration across different cultures. When starting up a new team, we conduct a workshop in cultural intelligence, which is handled by one of our certified cultural intelligence facilitators.

Ikon for let kommunikation med softwareudviklere

The start-up of a new team demands a large transfer and build-up of knowledge. Developers must have insight into your company's domain, systems, concepts, core processes, etc. It is important for their motivation that they also get acquainted and feel integrated with the long-term goals and visions.

Gennemtestet proces for teamintegration

It is essential to establish well-functioning development processes and collaboration with the new development team. We are based on your company's processes and methods, but also help to adapt and implement improved methods. Usually we work according to agile development methods like Scrum. We work with both local and distributed scrum teams.

”We have to pay attention to meeting each other. We do not have to change each other it will probably fail. We need to understand each other, understand how we act and adapt to the extent possible and where it provides value."
Ole Brandt, Department Manager for software development at Kamstrup

Onboarding your development team

Your new team must of course have an introduction to your company, your culture, policies and processes.

As part of starting a new team, your software developers will also go through the following training:

  • Training in cultural intelligence
  • English lessons if necessary
  • Communication including video meetings and emails
  • GDPR rules and IP rights