Succeed with nearshoring

Our sourcing model has been tested down to the smallest detail

We have been a supplier of nearshore outsourcing and dedicated teams for 16 years. Many of our customers and teams have worked together for more than 10 years.

When we start any collaboration, we begin with a look at our client’s company, processes and methods. We then recommend how the current processes and methods can best be reconciled with a future sourcing setup.


"Dedikeret team for fokuseret forretningsmodel

We operate with dedicated teams, in which the specialists work 100% for you. With this, you maintain control over your software development in-house, and you retain competencies for the long term. We work with a transparent pricing model where you always know your developers’ salary.

Moderne udviklingscentre i Lviv, Warszawa og Porto

Your software developers are located at our modern development centre in Lviv, Warsaw and Porto, which all have a huge talent pool. This makes it easy to scale your organization and shortens time-to-market in a cost effective and flexible way.

Dit eget udviklingsteam - Total kontrol og kompetenceopbygning

The developers become an integral part of your company and long-term strategy. We focus on human vision and respect; we ensure legislation and compliance at all times and work purposefully with the development and retention of your specialists.

Gennemtestet proces for teamintegration

Our expertise is in finding, integrating and retaining your team. We have a thoroughly tested process that ensures quick recruitment, friction free onboarding and start-up, efficient team management as well as development and retention of your team. We have a 90% retention rate for our developers.

“It is 10 years ago that Kamstrup entered into a collaboration with Conscensia and established the first development team in Lviv. We experience that Conscensia has helped Kamstrup in our growth. Today, Kamstrup has a well-functioning development group in Lviv, where the combination of excellent competencies and high seniority makes it easy for us to expand our development capacity.”
Vibeke Ågren, Head of Software Development at Kamstrup A/S

Five steps to success with nearshore software development

There can be many questions and considerations when a company wants to establish a development team abroad. We have outlined 5 steps that are important for successfully starting a nearshore software development team.

1. Choose the right sourcing model. The market offers different sourcing models, so be sure to choose the model that matches the strategy and goals of your business.

2. Find your preferred destination. It is important to choose a destination that meets both business and personal decision criteria e.g. competences, flexibility, culture and language.

3. Choose a professional partner. Make sure that your partner has relevant references and focuses on the same sourcing model as you.

4. Ensure successful start-up of your team. The start-up is important for your success, so prioritize recruitment, onboarding and the start-up of your team.

5. Focus on long term value creation. Your software developers create high value, so make sure to develop and retain your team.

We have elaborated the 5 steps to success with nearshore software development in an e-book that you can download here.