Dedicated teams with open book and flexible terms ensure long-term collaboration

You get full transparency and the final decision on your developers’ income. This helps to ensure long-term collaboration with your team and its members.

In addition to the developer’s income, a Service Fee is paid to Conscensia, which covers practical and administrative tasks.

You can scale your development team at speed without thinking about additional recruitment costs. If you want to downsize your team, this can be done at short notice.


Ikon for dedikeret softwareudviklingsteam

Get a dedicated team of software developers working exclusively for your business. A dedicated nearshore team ensures you full control over your critical in-house development. You strengthen and maintain your competence building.

Forretningsmæssige fordele - Effektiv skalering og hurtigere time-to-market

There is full transparency in our price model. You know the income of your developers and pay a Service Fee to Conscensia. This helps ensure the long-term retention of your team.

Ikon der viser fleksibilitet i konsulenters vilkår

Scaling your development team can be done quickly and easily, as needs dictate. Our specialists are contracted on B2B terms, which ensure flexibility during start-up and changes in the team. There are no recruitment costs.

Moderne udviklingscentre i Lviv, Warszawa og Porto

Your software developers are located at our modern development centres in Lviv, Warsaw and Porto, which all have a huge talent pool. This makes it easy to scale your organization and shortens time-to-market in a cost effective and flexible way.

Ikon for ansvarlig sourcing og konsulentintegration

The developers become an integral part of your company and long-term strategy. We focus on human vision and respect; we ensure legislation and compliance at all times and work purposefully with the development and retention of your specialists.

Gennemtestet proces for teamintegration

Our expertise is in finding, integrating and retaining your team. We have a thoroughly tested process that ensures quick recruitment, friction free onboarding and start-up, efficient team management as well as development and retention of your team. We have a 90% retention rate for our developers.

“It is a huge advantage that Conscensia is helping to find the right candidates that match our wishes. In addition, they handle all administrative tasks, make sure that everything practical works such as the computer and the internet connection work, and that our developers in Ukraine have a good place to be.”
Rasmus Burkal, CDO/CTO at Saxo

Facts about your team and developers

You pay a fixed monthly amount, which covers your developers’ remunerations as well as a Service Fee to Conscensia.

Other contractual matters:

  • 40 hours software development per week
  • 4 weeks paid time off
  • Replacement of consultant: current month + 30 days
  • No recruitment costs
  • Associated delivery manager

The consultants are trained in GDPR and IPR issues, and all are subject to NDAs.

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