Focus on staff retention creates value

7. October 2013

When, like us, you’re dealing with outsourcing of software development, you meet a lot of prejudice against outsourcing, and what it is like working with a foreign software team. In this series of articles, we dispel the myths, so that dialogue can happen based on a joint context.

Myth: Outsourced teams have large employee turnovers

A wise Dane heading a large international pharmaceutical company once said that Corporate Social Responsibility is not contrary to making money, but a question of how to make money.
The same can be said about focus on staff retention. To invest in retaining employees is not an investment in nothing, but an investment in building and improving the knowledge it takes for us to continuously be able to deliver the right solutions to our clients on time and at the right price.

This is of course also true for a company that deals in recruiting well-qualified software people abroad. The knowledge that is gained in our developers that are working dedicatedly on our clients’ projects is the very foundation for our clients being able to constantly expand their services, both internally as with external clients.
You could say that focus on staff retention is actually even more important in relation to employees that are not located in the office in Denmark every day, because the attachment doesn’t just happen on its own accord.

We don’t believe that you, as a client, need to accept the very high staff turnover that you experience many places in the sourcing industry.
This is why we at Conscensia spend a lot of time, effort and money on developing and retaining our employees, so that our clients can have teams that are in constant development, and that are constantly expanding their knowledge about the client and their domain.
Sourcing is not a question of delivering cheap development hours. Sourcing is a question of delivering quality and value at the right price.

It is a myth that this can not be done, which our very low staff turnover clearly shows.